Your post is very much appreciated, Giordano. Thank you.
There is so much bad that goes on behind the scenes, and that for political gain. I was not aware of the circumstances you wrote of. I am both enlightened and saddened.
Again, my gratitude.
"over a year ago, i volunteered to escort the remains of marines killed in iraq should the need arise.
the military provides a uniformed escort for all casualties to ensure they are delivered safely to the next of kin and are treated with dignity and respect along the way.
" -- lt. col. michael r. strobl.
Your post is very much appreciated, Giordano. Thank you.
There is so much bad that goes on behind the scenes, and that for political gain. I was not aware of the circumstances you wrote of. I am both enlightened and saddened.
Again, my gratitude.
"over a year ago, i volunteered to escort the remains of marines killed in iraq should the need arise.
the military provides a uniformed escort for all casualties to ensure they are delivered safely to the next of kin and are treated with dignity and respect along the way.
" -- lt. col. michael r. strobl.
"Over a year ago, I volunteered to escort the remains of Marines killed in Iraq should the need arise. The military provides a uniformed escort for all casualties to ensure they are delivered safely to the next of kin and are treated with dignity and respect along the way." -- Lt. Col. Michael R. Strobl
Last night, I viewed an HBO movie called Taking Chance. I've seen many war movies that left me in various states of emotional and mental conflict. This particular film has no action sequences depicting the horrors of war. Any action having taken place in Iraq has been described by fellow Marines and friends of Private First Class Chance Phelps, killed in action outside Baghdad.
What touched me as events unfolded was the honor, respect, and dignity afforded those fallen in battle. During the deceased's entire journey home, he was accompanied by a uniformed escort. The remains were slow saluted at each move from one conveyance of transport to another. Workers and others along the route -- at airports and on whatever path the fallen took -- would stop and put their hands over their hearts. Many were crying, asking the escort to pass on their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Ordinary citizens knew; they didn't need to ask.
My heart is still lodged in my throat . . .
Pup took a pee on the LITERATURE!!!!! -- Atlantis
Come to think of it, we used to train our pup to pee on old newspapers. The pooch I'm caring for now loves the white carpet, no matter all the time we spend outdoors.
Could 'Puppy' be a reincarnated apostate? I'm willing to suspend disbelief . . .
You can teach an old dog new tricks.
“anne boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting half an hour after her head was cut off.”.
“anne boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting; half an hour after, her head was cut off.”.
please feel free to add your own examples and comments.. thanks..
"The student said the teacher is crazy."
"The student, said the teacher, is crazy."
“anne boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting half an hour after her head was cut off.”.
“anne boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting; half an hour after, her head was cut off.”.
please feel free to add your own examples and comments.. thanks..
“Anne Boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting half an hour after her head was cut off.”
“Anne Boleyn walked around and talked to her ladies in waiting; half an hour after, her head was cut off.”
Please feel free to add your own examples and comments.
it really amazes me when jws act like we are hurting them!.
many of us have found that if we stop associating with them for valid reasons, they act all upset and hurt that we would be "so cruel as to limit our association or cut them off".
i know of friends here on the forum who have been told by parents that they "will shun them if they leave jehovah" , and yet when the shoe is on the other foot and our awake friends shun them first, the parents cry and bemoan the situation and say how "cruel it is to deprive them of their company".
Apart from the special circumstances involving those of us who've abandoned our religion, I have talked to many older people (non-JW) whose adult children have cut them off.
Being angry with one's parents -- whatever the reason -- appears quite common. The result is estrangement that goes on indefinitely. Of course, there are parents who don't talk to their children because they disapprove of choices made by their offspring.
understanding action musicin the past vs the present______.
in the golden and silver ages of hollywood, composers with classical, romantic era training created action music out of thematic (tuneful) motifs.
these catchy 'tunes' were used as 'bricks' whilst the orchestral techniques of arranging and orchestration were the 'mortar' binding and building the overall structure towering above mere image+sound effects.the result gave an audience something i will call "an intellectual access" to onscreen "meaning" in the story.what's that?a "tune" is an organizing principle.a tune has a beginning, middle, and end.a tune "tells" us something.what remains is "the way it is spoken.
understanding action musicin the past vs the present______.
in the golden and silver ages of hollywood, composers with classical, romantic era training created action music out of thematic (tuneful) motifs.
these catchy 'tunes' were used as 'bricks' whilst the orchestral techniques of arranging and orchestration were the 'mortar' binding and building the overall structure towering above mere image+sound effects.the result gave an audience something i will call "an intellectual access" to onscreen "meaning" in the story.what's that?a "tune" is an organizing principle.a tune has a beginning, middle, and end.a tune "tells" us something.what remains is "the way it is spoken.